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Whale Watching Pre-Season Sale - Adults at Kids Price



Thank you for considering Sea World Cruises as a sponsor for your fundraising activities. Please note that due to the large number of requests we receive, all applications must be received by Sea World Cruises at least 30 days prior to the event.

View future and recent donations and fundraising activities in our Donations Database.

To apply for sponsorship

Sea World Cruises are proud to support a wide range of events in our community.

Please complete and submit a Sponsorship Application Form

To apply to purchase discounted tickets

Sea World Cruises also offer special rates for registered charities, schools, and sporting clubs to purchase tickets for fundraising events. These fares represent 50 per cent off adult retail fares on selected cruises, including:

Prices are valid as of 1 January 2023 and are subject to change. Available for a maximum of 4 people.

Cruise Discounted Rate (per person) Retail Rate (per person)
Buffet Lunch Cruise $44.50 $89.00
Buffet Dinner Cruise $59.50 $119.00
Whale Watching Cruise $59.50 $119.00

Please complete and submit a Discount Tickets Application Form